“Bridge to the Future” Youth Public Union hosted the study visit in Azerbaijan within the project ”Discover the Caucasus – 10 Years after: Study visits exploring the youth sector in the Caucasus”.

The project was funded by the German National Agency of the EU`s Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by the European Intercultural Forum e. V. (EIF).

The project aims to foster transnational partnerships for youth-led community development driven by local and international youth stakeholders committed to a youth-centred approach to education, participation and cooperation.

Within the study visit, between July 8-15, 2023, there were visits to various state and non-governmental organizations operating in the field of youth work in Baku and Ganja, and their experiences and activities were presented to participants of the visit.

During the study visit, visits were carried out accordingly, to the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Youth Foundation, National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA), ASAN Youth Organization, Ganja Youth House, as well as different non-governmental organizations operating in Baku and Ganja, presentations and panel discussions were held about the youth policy and youth work conducted in Azerbaijan.

28 young people from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain and Ukraine participated in the study visit.

It should be noted that the National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA) and Tourism Volunteers Organization provided technical support in the implementation of the project.

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About Us

“Bridge to the Future” Youth Union (Union) – is a national non-governmental organization established in April 2000 by youth initiative.


 28 May str. 34, Ganja city, Azerbaijan