A new project for rural youth is being launched in the region.

Bridge to the Future Youth Public Union will implement the project “Rural youth integration into modern professional fields” with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Project aims to provide awareness of modern professions and freelance job opportunities for young people living in villages and to create an electronic book in this regard to conduct a wide awareness among young people. Within the framework of the project, an e-book on modern professional fields and freelance work opportunities will be prepared. The book will be posted on the official website (www.bfngo.az) of Bridge to the Future YPU and will provide free access to this information for everyone. In continuation, information sessions about modern professional fields, digital skills, freelance work method, and also e-book will be organized in 6 high schools located in Goygol, Samukh, Dashkasan, Gazakh, Tovuz, and Shamkir regions, for a total of 120 students. It should be noted that the project is one of the winning projects of the grant competition announced by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2024.

Bridge to the Future YPU was represented at the international convention in Spain.

On September 15-21, 2024, Anakhanim Rzazade, Chairperson of the Bridge to the Future Youth Public Union, participated in the international convention “42nd YEU Convention: YEU Developing YOUth: Shaping Chameleons of Tomorrow 2024” in Mollina, Spain. The event is traditionally organized for the 42nd time this year by the international network “Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU)” of which the YPU is a member. It aims to create solutions, target youth workers with fewer opportunities and promote quality, adaptability through intercultural dialogue. It should be noted that more than 20 youth workers from 10 different countries participated in the international event.

10-day Erasmus+ training course in Hungary

Accommodation, travel (road tickets), food expenses and training materials are provided during the project. More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dvjwg3cT4B-oPvXE3nmMZXXFkanfG6VS/view?usp=sharing To apply, fill out the registration form by visiting the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWqjHeOwjtcUh9Bh8eKCpRDkPO_sG-k1LzsPa2_sqsB17iNA/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: The sending organization from Azerbaijan for the project is “Bridge to the Future” YPU.There is a participation fee of 70 Euros for participation in the project. The payment is determined and accepted by the organizing body. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only those whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: 08.08.2024

European Solidarity Corps (ESC) team volunteering project in Latvia

Looking for participants for the European Solidarity Corps #ESC team volunteering project in Latvia. Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. Project dates: July 3 – August 30, 2024 Location: Valmiera Criteria for application: More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IL3uFOh0eqE6LXAHAF_s3RKYEZZcgIdw/view?usp=sharing To apply, fill out the registration form by visiting the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe97RhvQ-hXimrtL2K_loPz2j8imRzDXGiLsHyRd4G3HnDYzQ/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: Participation in the program is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only candidates whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: ASAP

Long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering project in the Czech Republic

Looking for 1 participant for a long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering project in the Czech Republic! Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cP3GnuCm58T9T8qsdgJ0zz7pDEHz-JBQ/view Project dates: September 2024 – February 2025 Location: Tisnov Criteria for application: To apply, fill out the registration form by visiting the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgO8O86qezjaIg_JwSHKCHuf-Rb9WmFES7QcIGWyXuJYOxpA/viewform Note: Participation in the program is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only candidates whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: ASAP

Long-term European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering project in Bulgaria

Looking for 1 participant for a long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering project in Bulgaria. Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DOEq1AsT7WhgXoAmho66uAs17eU3E0Gg?usp=sharing Project dates: September 2024 – July/September 2025Duration: 10/12 monthsLocation: Pazarcik Criteria for application: To apply, visit the link and fill out the registration form.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBlUC4o3DD2d1fqtb_i0AnQiriYJ_TnZCNYsO5pEP5RdNaNQ/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: Participation in the program is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page.Only candidates whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: 30.06.2024

13 long-term European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering projects in Austria

Looking for participants for long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering projects in Austria. Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. More information about projects: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QbtG1NdfVlhA3rRd-33fXfbIs8Mf0GSf?usp=sharing To apply, fill out the appropriate registration form by visiting the appropriate link.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXntrBKDmp63Fvem1k5CwschdqUX5yEnfuTcfriKcO60oMnQ/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: The sending organization for each project is “Bridge to the Future” YPU. Participation in projects is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only those whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: 10.06.2024

A representative of “Bridge to the Future” Youth NGO participated in the international training course.

The representative of BF NGO, Nihal Yusifova, participated in the 8-day training course “Train the trainers: It is up to me” organized for trainers in Bremen, Germany, on June 11-19, 2024.  The event aims to inculcate the model of the European Training Strategy to young trainers through various workshops and interactive sessions including practical activities, skills development and individual mentoring. During the training course, the participants had the opportunity to learn various training methods and apply them in practical exercises.  It should be noted that the training course was organized within the Erasmus+ Program.

“Bridge to the Future” organized an informative meeting with local young people 

Local young people met former ESC volunteers who participated in ESC volunteering projects in different European countries.  Within the meeting, former ESC volunteers Mansur Hasanzade and Aygül Huseynli shared their experiences about their volunteering experience, the preparation stage for participating in ESC projects and other important points, and answered the participants’ questions. The meeting continued with an interactive presentation. It should be noted that the event was jointly organized by the “Bridge to the Future” Youth Public Union and the Ganja-Dashkasan regional representative office of the Youth Development and Career Center.  More information can be found about the activities of our organization within the European Solidarity Corps Program here: https://www.bfngo.az/esc/ 

A representative of “Bridge to the Future” Youth NGO participated in the international youth event.

Rauf Aliyev, representative of the “Bridge to the Future” Youth NGO, represented the organization at the “Confidence in Tomorrow” youth event organized at the European Youth Center in Strasbourg, France, on May 14-16, 2024. The aim of the event is to support the creation and strengthening of close ties between the current and future generations of young people living in Europe. The youth event brought together 100 representatives of national youth councils, international youth organizations, as well as representatives of the national authorities in charge of youth. For a three-day programme was a strong experience of the participatory approaches characteristic to non-formal education and youth work. The participants took part in plenary sessions, group work on the main topics of the event, as well as topics suggested by the participants. Group meetings with executives from different European countries were also organized for the participants. The youth event Confidence in tomorrow was organized in the framework of the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe under the Presidency of Liechtenstein.

About Us

“Bridge to the Future” Youth Union (Union) – is a national non-governmental organization established in April 2000 by youth initiative.


 28 May str. 34, Ganja city, Azerbaijan