10-day Erasmus+ training course in Hungary

Accommodation, travel (road tickets), food expenses and training materials are provided during the project. More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dvjwg3cT4B-oPvXE3nmMZXXFkanfG6VS/view?usp=sharing To apply, fill out the registration form by visiting the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWqjHeOwjtcUh9Bh8eKCpRDkPO_sG-k1LzsPa2_sqsB17iNA/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: The sending organization from Azerbaijan for the project is “Bridge to the Future” YPU.There is a participation fee of 70 Euros for participation in the project. The payment is determined and accepted by the organizing body. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only those whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: 08.08.2024
European Solidarity Corps (ESC) team volunteering project in Latvia

Looking for participants for the European Solidarity Corps #ESC team volunteering project in Latvia. Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. Project dates: July 3 – August 30, 2024 Location: Valmiera Criteria for application: More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IL3uFOh0eqE6LXAHAF_s3RKYEZZcgIdw/view?usp=sharing To apply, fill out the registration form by visiting the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe97RhvQ-hXimrtL2K_loPz2j8imRzDXGiLsHyRd4G3HnDYzQ/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: Participation in the program is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only candidates whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: ASAP
Long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering project in the Czech Republic

Looking for 1 participant for a long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering project in the Czech Republic! Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cP3GnuCm58T9T8qsdgJ0zz7pDEHz-JBQ/view Project dates: September 2024 – February 2025 Location: Tisnov Criteria for application: To apply, fill out the registration form by visiting the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgO8O86qezjaIg_JwSHKCHuf-Rb9WmFES7QcIGWyXuJYOxpA/viewform Note: Participation in the program is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only candidates whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: ASAP
Long-term European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering project in Bulgaria

Looking for 1 participant for a long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering project in Bulgaria. Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. More information about the project: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DOEq1AsT7WhgXoAmho66uAs17eU3E0Gg?usp=sharing Project dates: September 2024 – July/September 2025Duration: 10/12 monthsLocation: Pazarcik Criteria for application: To apply, visit the link and fill out the registration form.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBlUC4o3DD2d1fqtb_i0AnQiriYJ_TnZCNYsO5pEP5RdNaNQ/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: Participation in the program is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page.Only candidates whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: 30.06.2024
13 long-term European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering projects in Austria

Looking for participants for long-term European Solidarity Corps #ESC volunteering projects in Austria. Accommodation, pocket money, travel (road tickets), food and transportation expenses are fully covered during the project period. More information about projects: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QbtG1NdfVlhA3rRd-33fXfbIs8Mf0GSf?usp=sharing To apply, fill out the appropriate registration form by visiting the appropriate link.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXntrBKDmp63Fvem1k5CwschdqUX5yEnfuTcfriKcO60oMnQ/viewform?usp=pp_url Note: The sending organization for each project is “Bridge to the Future” YPU. Participation in projects is completely free of charge. For other questions, you can write in the message section of the page. Only those whose applications are deemed acceptable will be contacted. ATTENTION: Applications that have been written using any artificial intelligence tool will not be considered. Deadline: 10.06.2024