“Bridge to the Future” Youth Public Union is going start the project “Pupils’ Vocational Education Guide” with the support of Azerbaijan Youth Foundation.

The aim of the project is to increase the interest of those pupils studying in secondary schools in Ganja city towards to vocational education, to inculcate job opportunities offered in the vocational fields, and to effectively deliver this priority field to the target audience through project activities.
Within the project there will be carried out informative sessions about Vocational Training Centers, their activities, taught specialties, perspectives, job opportunities for graduates, and admission rules. Those sessions will be delivered for 140 pupils in total covering 7 secondary schools in Ganja city.
After the sessions, pupils interested in vocational education from those secondary schools will participate in a study visit to the Ganja State Vocational Education Centers for Industry and Technologies and Trade and Service. Through the visits, they will get a visual experience of the conditions, opportunities, material base, and practical experiences of VECs in Ganja.
It should be noted that the project was selected in the 17th grant call for the youth organisations by the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation.