On December 11-12, 2021, seminars were organized for the rural youth by the Resource Center in Tovuz “ASAN HAYAT” Complex.

The Resource Center operates within the project – “Youth resource centre for employability, entrepreneurship education and community development“ which is a capacity building project under the Partnership for Entrepreneurship strand. The project aims to strengthen the employability and economic capacity of young people through enhancing local youth structures in entrepreneurship education and in informing young people about educational learning opportunities in Ganja-Gazakh region of Azerbaijan.

During the seminars, the young people from Tovuz region were given sessions on “Marketing in Entrepreneurship” on entrepreneurship education direction, and “Public participation of youth” on youth-led community development direction. The sessions were presented by the experts of the Resource Center.

The sessions were conducted through non-formal education methods and covered about 20 young people from the region.

It should be noted that the activities were carried out in cooperation with the ASAN Volunteer School.

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